
We offer a full portfolio of infection control and biodefense  solutions:

  • BioDefense Curriculum & Training for Employees

  • Hand Washing Monitoring Systems

  • Contact Tracing

Matthew W. Rollie, MPH leads our BioDefense division.  He is a Public Health Infectious Disease expert having co-founded the University of South Florida Center for Biological Defense (DoD contract “Public Health Preparedness Against Biological Threats”).  Previous roles include Administrator, Department of Global Health, College of Public Health, University of South Florida.  He was on the front lines during the 2001 anthrax mailings and has served on numerous emergency management teams and infectious disease work-groups domestically and internationally.  The educational activities of the Center for Biological Defense was dedicated to education, training, and facilitating collaboration between all organizations responsible for the recognition and response to a biological threat.

Mr. Rollie is formally trained in Global Health and neglected tropical diseases, with work performed for the USF Global Health Infectious Disease Research Program and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in SE Asia.

Contact us to learn more.

Ivy Solutions Group